
Please note that the images function as links to the article (opens in the same tab).

A group photo in front of Stroom Den Haag art centre.

Beatrice Cera: “Language Matters: a symposium on accessible and inclusive communication in art spaces at Stroom, The Hague” in metropolis m magazine, July 2024.

Photography Kevin Domfeh Owusuaa, courtesy of Stroom Den Haag.

A photo of Ny Tid magazine physical issue.

Mio Lindman: “Krymplingar och rusare lever i olika världar”, haastattelu Ny Tid -lehdessä 3/2024.

Translation: Mio Lindman: “Crips and ableds live in different worlds”, interview in Ny Tid -magazine 3/2024. (in Swedish)

Portrait of Isa: Mio Lindman. Photo: Isa Hukka.

A professional portrait photo of Isa Hukka smiling and looking at the camera, wearing blue clothes.

Sari Casal: “‘Rammaksi ei synnytä, vaan rammaksi tullaan’”, sanoo palkittu taiteilija Isa Hukka”, haastattelu, Yle Kulttuuricocktail 2024.

Translation: Sari Casal: “‘One does not born a crip, but rather becomes, a crip’, says the award-winning artist Isa Hukka”, an interview, Yle Kulttuuricocktail. (in Finnish)

Photo: Sari Casal.

A photo of Isa Hukka's performance at Viirus theatre. They are sitting on a bed, wearing blue clothes, in a space that reminds of a bedroom.

Hanna Helavuori: “Rampoja horisontteja, ajattelu- ja valvontarakenteiden purkua, vapauden liikehdintää, kutsuja ei-alistavaan katsomiseen”, arvio / essee koskien useita Baltic Circle -festivaalin esityksiä, julkaistu joulukuussa 2022 -sivustolla.

Translation: Hanna Helavuori: “Crip horizons, dismantling of thought and surveillance structures, invitations to a non-subjugating viewership”, a review/essay of multiple performances at baltic circle festival 2022, published at (in Finnish)

Photo: Tani Simberg / Baltic Circle 2022.

A photo of Geoffrey Erista and Isa Hukka, both looking at the camera and smiling in front of a gay pride flag.

Linnea Stara: “Making space in the centre”, an interview with Geoffrey Erista and Isa Hukka. October 2022 at

A photo of Laura Lulika's performance in 2022.

Sanna Kartau: “Etenduskunstid, aga ligipääsetavalt. Reportaaž teiselt poolt lahte”, 2022.

Translation: Sanna Kartau: “Performing arts, but in an accessible way. Reporting from across the bay”, 2022. (in Estonian.)

Photo: Tani Simberg / Baltic Circle. Artwork in the photo by Laura Lulika.

A black-and-white graphic. Sketches of disabled people who are holding signs that say "Nothing about us without us" and "Access is a civil right."

Iida Ilmola & Maija Lindström: “Seksismi, rasismi, klassismi – mutta mites ableismi?”, haastattelu osana artikkelia, Diskurssi 1/2021.

Translation: Iida Ilmola & Maija Lindström: “Sexism, racism, and classism – but how about ableism?”, an article in diskurssi 1/2021. (in Finnish.)

Illustration: Elina Viljavuori.