Public speaking

Some of the images contain links, so please click one to find more information.

‘Toivottomuus mahdollisuutena – vammaistaiteellinen puheenvuoro’, Kotkan Kritiikkipäivät 1.2.2025. Muina asiantuntijapuhujina Mika Maliranta ja Johanna Vuorelma. Paikallisten kotkalaisten aktiivien puheenvuorot Abdullah Ahmed ja Tiia Räihä.

Philosophical discussion ‘Beyond Collectivity: Rethinking Feminist Allyship’ by Salla Aldrin Salskov, Isa Hukka and Luke von Lüpke. Tutkijaliitto Summer School 2024, Kiljava and online.

Graphics: Isa Hukka.

Screenshot of an academic abstract by Isa Hukka.

Akateeminen esitelmä: ‘Rampauttaminen queerteorian syventäjänä ja haastajana’ työpajassa nro. 20: Learning and unlearning with queer theory, vetäjinä Salla Aldrin Salskov ja Antu Sorainen. Paluu Juurille -konferenssi Tampereella 2.-3.5.2024.

Translation: Academic presentation: “Cripping – Deepening and Challenging Queer Theory” in workshop nr. 20: Learning and unlearning with queer theory, hosted by Salla Aldrin Salskov ja Antu Sorainen. At the Return to the Roots Conference, 2-3 May 2024 in Tampere.

‘Cripping access’, a lecture for the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, 2024. (Online)

Graphics: Isa Hukka

‘Philosophy and the problem of otherness -symposium’, a panel discussion with Isa Hukka, Salla Aldrin Salskov, Fredrik Westerlund, and Arwen Meereboer. Åbo akademi, 2024. (Turku)

‘Transformative actions for contemporary arts’ – a panel discussion with Isa Hukka, Kay Han, and S.U.R collective, organized by Frame Finland / Islands of Kinship Project, Nov 2023 (Lauttasaari mansion, Helsinki).

Design: Reishabh Kailey

‘On building resistant communities’, a discussion by Isa Hukka and Shubanghi Singh @ UrbanApa X Ateneum. Nov 2023. (Online)

Graphics: Reishabh Kailey.

‘Accessibility & Intersectionality – A Crip Perspective’, a keynote speech for #StopHatredNow, May 2023. (Online)

Graphics: Mire Mroué.

‘Accessibility in art and for artists!’, an online seminar by Bildkonstförening Jakarte. Speakers: Maija Karhunen, Isa Hukka, and Aku Meriläinen. 2023 (Online)

Image: Alexandra Sandbäck.

‘Making crip art possible’, a public lecture for Art School Maa, 2023. (Online)

Original photo by Tani Simberg/Baltic Circle 2022, edits by Isa Hukka.

‘Radikaali hoiva aktivismissa’, a panel discussion at Sateenkaariaktivismin päivä -event on 10.6.2023, organized by Seta. Speakers: Isa Hukka, M. K. Baijukya, and Elina Halttunen-Riikonen. (Allianssi-talo, Helsinki)

Photo: Mikko Patrikainen

‘On trans positionalities within institutions’, a roundtable discussion
at Pixelache x Ormston House -event, as part of the Rehearsing Hospitalities gathering in Oct 2022. Discussion hosted by Mary Conlon and El Reid-Buckle. (Theatre academy, Helsinki)

Image: Live notations by Yvonne Billimore.

‘Taide ja vammaisaktivismi’, a panel discussion
at Cross Over -festival 2022. Speakers: Julianna Brandt, Sami Helle, Isa Hukka, MC Cepa. Hosted by Marianne Savallampi. (Musiikkitalo, Helsinki)

Photo: Jarno Mattila.

‘Disability inclusion webinar’ by the University of Helsinki. Comments on rofessor Dan Goodley’s keynote speech by the founders of Crip Student Organisation:
Milla Tengström, Ira Kolkkinen, Maija Lindström, and Isa Hukka. January 2022. (Online)