Workshops and trainings

Some of the images contain links, so please click one to find more information.

A poster that has a twin flower and says CRIPPING COMMUNICATION.

‘Cripping Communication’, a workshop for the ‘Language Matters: Accessible and Inclusive Communication in Art Spaces’ -symposium, in Stroom Den Haag, The Hague, The Neatherlands. Friday 14.6.2024.

In collaboration with the Jindřich Chalupecký Society.

Graphics: Isa Hukka.

‘Miten saavutettavaa tilaa fasilitoidaan?’, työpaja, #StopHatredNow 2024, toukokuu 2024, Helsinki.

eng. ‘How to facilitate an accessible space?’, a workshop for #StopHatredNow, May 2024 in Helsinki.

Graphics: Isa Hukka.

Supporting teacher at Kaaos Company’s Sunday improv dance classes, Spring 2024. Cable Factory, Helsinki.

Photo: Jonna Lehto / DanceAbility Finland.

A slide with a dark background that has a drawing of a twin flower, and a title: 'eco cripness?'.

‘eco cripness?’, a workshop for Frame Finland / Islands of Kinship -project, Helsinki, November 2023.

Graphics: Isa Hukka.

A photo of Pääsky Miettinen and Isa Hukka dancing on the stairs of the Main Building of the University of Helsinki that has a sign "UNIVERSITY IS OCCUPIED". Pääsky is wearing all red, and Isa is wearing blue and green clothes.

‘ruumiinosoitus’, an embodied writing workshop, created and facilitated with Pääsky Miettinen, September 2023, Helsinki. (Ongoing)

Photo: Viivi Aliklaavu.

‘accessible dance???’ a workshop for kuudestila dance festival, Mikkeli, July 2022.

Photo: kuudestila.

A graphic of blue circulating forms that seem to be in movement.

‘slowly towards radical access’, a dance workshop for UrbanApa Toolbox #19, Helsinki, May 2022

GIF: Erica Anderson.